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    University of Maiduguri
  • Centre of Excellence
    University of Maiduguri
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  • University of Maiduguri
    For Your Better Future
    We provides always our best knowledge and chracter for our students and always.



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Institute ofEducation

Institute of Education

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Welcome To University of Maiduguri

The University of Maiduguri is the model University in Nigeria, and has developed robust developmental strategies to meet and sustain that status and remain a pride of Nigerians and humanity in the provision of higher education. It is dedicated to quality teaching, learning, and research. It offers both staff and students a serene and conducive environment for living, working, teaching, learning, and research.

The University of Maiduguri shall be an institution dedicated to scholarship and learning in the Arts, Sciences, Humanities and Technology, and the development of moral and civic character of all persons who pass through her portals. The University Shall facilitate and advance scholarship and learning, especially in the light of her location in the Sahelian environment in the North-Eastern Nigeria, and at the crossroads of Africa and Middle-Eastern Culture.Vision StatementThe University of Maiduguri apart from achieving competence in the basic Arts and Sciences, aims at excellence in Agriculture, Pastoralism, Engineering, Human and Veterinary Medicine and Information Technology as well as in Arid Zone, Trans-Saharan and Inter-African Peace and Strategic Studies. The University also aims to promote the development of Private and Public morality, discipline, accountability and probity, and also international cooperation through participation, research and dissemination of information.Objectives of the UniversityAs enunciated in the University of Maiduguri Act 1979 the following objectives would be pursued by the University: Encourage the advancement of learning and hold out to all persons without distinction of race, creed, sex or political conviction the opportDepartmenty of acquiring a higher and liberal education; Provide courses of instruction and other facilities for the pursuit of learning in all its branches, and to make those facilities available on proper terms to such persons as are equipped to benefit from them; Encourage and promote scholarship and conduct research in all fields of learning and human endeavor; Relate its activities to social, cultural and economic needs of the people of Nigeria; and undertake any other activities appropriate for a University of the highest standard.

Serving our scholarly commDepartmenty by delivering consistenly high-quality programs, teaching, service, and scholarship.

Acting in an honest, fair, and ethical manner, creating a culture of trust evident in all University activities and decision making.

Ensuring academic, programmatic, and fiscal intergrity and value through prudent management of resources entrusted to the University.

Encouraging considering, and supporting development of ideas by fostering individuals ingenuity and creativity and creating an environment with opportDepartmenties for growth and change.

Working toward common goals with others in the University and the commDepartmenty while valuing teamwork, participation, and diversity of ideas and perspectives.

Embracing diversity and treating other collegially with civility, openness, and professionalism in all interactions, activities, and decision-making.